After a few weeks on hiatus, Nashville returns with a bang – literally and figuratively. Scandals are being exposed, star crossed lovers finally reuniting, and a kiss that will most certainly rock a few characters.
Let’s bitch it out..
I’m not even sure how to start this because I’m just that excited about it. I have been waiting since the first episode for this to happen. That moment when Rayna (Connie Britton) and Deacon (Charles Esten) took a walk on the bridge and I could just feel their sexual tension and history through the screen. After countless “will they or won’t they” scenes, it has finally happened. Between the declarations of love and the sex, I almost blacked out the rest of the episode.
Lucky for me, they invented the PVR and I could rewind to catch what I missed. Because there is just too much that happens this episode.
Can I say it? I KNEW that Dante (Jay Hernandez) was a scumbag. I definitely called it. Granted, it was the hair that originally pointed me in that direction, but when he tried to pull rank on my Deacon… hell no. I knew it was only a matter of time before he showed his true colours. And the thing I hate to admit is that I still feel bad for Juliette (Hayden Panettiere). I have been cursing her up and down for the past few episodes because of the huge chip on her shoulder and the way she bowed at the feet of this scumbag (WHO in their right mind would tell Deacon Claybourne that he’s replaceable because he doesn’t like their scumbag, greasy boyfriend?!? ). However, Juliette has really grown on me and I can’t help but feel for her. I think that’s a testament to Panettiere’s acting. She brings this vulnerability to Juliette that I’m not sure many other actresses could pull off. But Juliette wouldn’t be Juliette if she weren’t a bitch that’s getting screwed over somehow, so it seems all is right in the world again.
The kiss. I don’t know where to go with this, other than that I saw that coming a mile away too (not to pat myself on the back or anything…). Although I thought they were going to play it that Gunnar (Sam Palladio) would kiss him back. But I guess there’s still time for the story to turn around. I love Gunnar and Scarlett (Clare Bowen) obviously, but they’ve really been playing up the chemistry and bromance between Gunnar and newcomer Will (Chris Carmack.. who also played a gay character on The OC for those of you who remember that cult classic). I’m really interested to see where they’re going to take this story because its obvious that Gunnar is changing and has been since his brother’s death. And honestly, I’d like to see a little more depth to the character than just being Scarlett’s puppy dog and singing partner.
Other observations:
- Are they serious? They did not bring back the creeper Liam (Michiel Huisman) AGAIN. I literally groan out loud in disgust when I see him on the screen. And please. I want to barf when they actually kiss. Blegh. When will we finally be rid of this guy? Hopefully he’s gone for good now that Deacon is back in the picture. A girl can hope anyway.
- Teddy (Eric Close) finally grows a backbone and stands up for himself with Peggy (Kimberly Williams-Paisley). Is it wrong that all I can think is “please don’t get rid of her yet! We need a guest appearance from her husband!” (But my dreams are coming true, and I’ve heard through the grapevine that he will be guest starring on the season finale as himself)
- They really seem to be setting up a Scarlett and Avery (Jonathan Jackson) reunion. I guess if things go south with Gunnar, they are setting her up to have somewhere to fall. And I’m actually ok with it. Avery has finally been dropped down a few pegs, and there’s something off about the Gunnar/Scarlett relationship these days. Seems like they’ve been doomed since the start since they got together in the despair after Gunnar’s brother’s death. That’s never really a strong start for a relationship.
- And Teddy’s past is finally going to come back to haunt him. Didn’t take long for his sister in law Tandy (Judith Hoag) to throw him under the bus and expose his past mistakes. I’m just happy because this seems like the perfect opportunity to tell Deacon that Rayna’s oldest daughter is actually his as well. If we are going to throw Teddy to the wolves, might as well go all the way. I see a season finale cliffhanger in the works, what about you?
What did you think of the return of Nashville? I am extremely satisfied with it and can’t wait for next week! Do you think the Rayna and Deacon reunion will last? When do you think he will find out about his daughter? Do you think Gunnar will end up being gay? Sound off below!
Nashville airs Wednesday nights at 10pm EST on ABC.
This show increasingly reminds me of Smash….that’s not a good thing.
I agree. Character motivations are way off. How does Juliette go from being Deacon’s best friend to throwing him out like yesterday’s garbage within the span of like 1 week??
I tolerate the insanity on Nashville more because the guys are hotter, the music is better, and there’s no annoying Kat McPhee.
I am so glad there’s FINALLY a gay character on Nashville. I just hope he sticks around and remains friends with Gunnar. And while I’d love Gunnar and Will to get together, I don’t see that happening. But I will be disappointed in Gunnar if he can’t stay friends with Will after that little kissing mishap.
I completely disagree with you about Liam, btw. I think he’s HOTT and the perfect foil for Deacon. That said, Deacon + Rayna 4ever, y’all. Super happy it finally happened!
Excellent review, I just discovered your site. I think the writing and acting on this show continue to improve by leaps and bounds as the writing/acting team work through the nuances of the characters and their interplay. Plaudits to you for recognizing the acting of Hayden Panettierre’s; she’s growing by leaps and bounds in her ability to convey vulnerability beneath that explosive temperament. The gay scene was sensitively done, and it’s a relief to finally see Rayna and Deacon together after years of barely-suppressed longing.