Jordan Peele‘s third feature is an ode to spectacle, the fleeting fame of Hollywood and the POC who are churned up and forgotten by the system like Jean Jacket’s victims.
[Read more…]Mayhem is a cartoonishly violent corporate take down (Fantasia Festival/Toronto After Dark 2017)
Hey man, is my eye bloodshot? Because I feel completely enraged.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
The Walking Dead review – 5×16: ‘Conquer’
It’s season finale time for The Walking Dead as the Alexandrians decide whether or not to cast out Rick (Andrew Lincoln) after last episode’s events.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
The Walking Dead review – 5×10: ‘Them’
After another major character death last week, The Walking Dead delivers the obligatory palette cleanse before moving on to its next big narrative arc. Did this week’s episode manage to keep well paced despite its utilitary function?
Let’s bitch it out.
The Walking Dead review – 4×05: ‘Internment’
The wrath of the deadly virus outbreak reaches its pinnacle this week on The Walking Dead. How did the show fare when we focus back on the goings-on at the prison as they await the life-saving medicine?
Let’s bitch it out.
The Walking Dead review – 3×13: ‘Arrow On The Doorpost’
We finally get our face-to-face showdown this week on The Walking Dead when Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and The Governor (David Morrissey) meet in a shack in the woods for a good ol’ fashioned negotiation. After last week’s amazing standalone episode, how does a return to the Team Woodbury/Team Grimes conflict fare?
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]