A talented Canadian documentary filmmaker debuts his fiction feature debut, featuring plenty of sex, murder and intrigue. So why doesn’t Birdland work?
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
The curated portfolio of film journalist Joe Lipsett
by Joe Lipsett
A talented Canadian documentary filmmaker debuts his fiction feature debut, featuring plenty of sex, murder and intrigue. So why doesn’t Birdland work?
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
by thedude35
Remember when life was simpler and happier and I still had hope that Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) was still alive? Yeah, me too. But those dreams have been dashed and maybe we can try to mourn this loss together.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
by thedude35
As our weary travellers find they’re not alone on this remote island, trouble is brewing back at the Gilbert house for everyone’s favourite vampire Barbie.
Let’s bitch it out..
by thedude35
Aside from the absence of Caroline (Candice Accola) in tonight’s episode, ‘Catch Me If You Can’ feels like a throw back to The Vampire Diaries’ better days where I have no idea what’s around every turn and there is a gasp worthy moment at every commercial break.
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by thedude35
A race to the cure? Sure, I’ll buy that. Maybe it will give this season the kick in the butt that it hasn’t had thus far…
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by thedude35
Let me tell you a (not-so-secret) secret about myself: I love holiday episodes of TV shows. So how does this week’s The Vampire Diaries fare on its juxtaposition of the dark and the brightly coloured lights?
Let’s bitch it out.. [Read more…]