Courtesy of ABC
‘Inside the Bubble’ shows David (Joshua Malina) succumbing to power, while Liv’s (Kerry Washington) friend succumbs to a 17-year-old boy.
Let’s bitch it out…
David Rosen’s really getting the swing of this politics thing. He’s finally inside the titular bubble, as Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) trusts him to win the case to uphold the Constitution’s gun laws against the lobbyists. And he knows David’s name (unlike poor “Gabby”)! Despite his best efforts, David realizes the swing vote isn’t going to go his way and he’s at risk of losing. So it’s time for a trip to the magical Scandal storage locker to find the blackmail o’ the week. Fortunately, David succeeds. Unfortunately, after casting his vote, the blackmailed judge commits suicide. David looks a bit distraught, but will it be enough to curb his desire for power and change? I think the lure of that damn storage locker will just be too much.
Meanwhile, Mellie (Bellamy Young) seems to be moving in the right direction. She’s traded her chips for apples and become obsessed with a case on TV: a video of a man falling to his death at Yosemite National Park (it’s unclear whether it was an accident or his wife pushed him). It is great to see Mellie fired up about something again, even skipping her daily graveyard visit. But it just as quickly becomes heartbreaking when she organizes an unnecessary meeting of bigwigs to prove the wife’s innocence, when the police already cleared her name. On the upside, Fitz is going to start listening to Abby (Darby Stanchfield) more.
In the case of the week, Kathryn (Sonya Walger), an old friend of Liv and Abby’s, calls OPA to find her missing teenage daughter. After they track her down and give the hotel info to Kathryn, Liv discovers two things: 1) Kathryn was having an affair with her daughter’s 17-year-old boyfriend! and 2) the daughter was found shot two times in the chest. Kathryn swears she didn’t kill her daughter, but she’s still arrested. Plan on seeing Penny from Lost on future episodes.

Courtesy of ABC
In “At least it’s not Quinn and Huck” news: Charlie (George Newburn) is back in town! It’s not long before Jake (Scott Foley) kidnaps him to prove that Papa Pope (Joe Morton) ordered the deaths of Jerry Jr. and Harrison. To save everyone (especially us viewers, THANK YOU!) from more torture porn, Charlie lays out his demands: give me a night with Quinn (Katie Lowes) and I’ll tell you everything (Side Note: did Jake know that Quinn could defend herself? Or did he just not care that he was potentially putting a woman in a rapey situation? ‘Cause that’s both disturbing and cold).
Once Jake confirms that Papa Pope was behind everything, he confronts him at the most awkward family dinner ever. Jake gives him an ultimatum: get out of DC and never come back (he recommends the islands, they’re lovely) or he’ll leak all of the evidence, including photos of B613 bodyguard Tom (ah Tom, remember when I loved you?!?) with Jerry Jr. right before he died. Rowan, however, seems decidedly unintimidated by this threat, so we should get some good battles coming up between the two of them.
Other Observations:
- Liv is being over-the-top obnoxious to Abby. Also, I thought they met while Abby was an abused congressional housewife? Now they went to law school together? And why did Kathryn not realize Abby left OPA? She never saw her on TV as the WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY, the most high-profile position in the country besides, say, the President himself?!?
- How does “Michael, from the other night” (Matthew Del Negro) just call up the White House switchboard and get all the way to the Chief of Staff?
- Is there anything scarier than waking up in the middle of the night to find Huck (Guillermo Diaz) hovering over your bed? Terrifying.
- I loved when Quinn called out Liv and Huck for not looking for her while she was missing. Liv is the most selfish human being on the planet and it’s about time she got called out on it.
Best Line:
- Charlie: “You owe me a buck 75 for the candy bar.”
What did you think, Scandalites? Do you think David is going to go down a slippery slope? Do you think Mellie is now further gone after the embarrassment of her meeting, or are you encouraged by this new spark of life? Has Liv officially become the most selfish person on the show? And do you want to see more of Kathryn? Sound off below!
Scandal airs Thursdays at 9pm EST on ABC
Nope, Liv has not. Liv is readjusting – not selfish. And a true watcher of the show would know, they never said Abby and Liv met when Abby was a congressional wife. She was never a congressional wife. Has always been the wife of a Governor’s son – I think its Virginia. Never said how they met, just Olivia took a tire iron to him and broke his kneecaps. Someone who just met each other would not do that. Friends, however, would
Obnoxious to Abby – what about obnoxious to each other. Abby can’t bless Liv out in one episode and then expect Liv to treat her nice. They are friends, they will work it out. They are just mad at each other right now. As far as the most selfish human being on the planet – what about Mellie, what about Fitz, what about Cyrus? All of these people are selfish, especially Fitz and Mellie. Mellie and Cyrus schemed to blame someone else on being the mistress and paid them off – why? So they can stay in the White House. Mellie lied about a miscarriage, why? So Fitz could get the female vote that would put them both on 1600 Penn Ave. Not to mention she went along to rig the election just to win. Is that not selfish? Fitz is just – he can’t see anything but his wants.