Courtesy of Showcase
Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, Lost Girl continues to air new episodes.
Let’s bitch it out…
Case of the Week: Mark (Luke Bilyk) is a con artist on the run who tracks down Bo (Anna Silk) and Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) for help. Turns out that the Hunter (Aaron Poole) and Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) have a past – they used to track Fae – and the Hunter is declaring open season on Fae now that the Una Mens have been eliminated. Needless to say, Dyson shuts that down.
As usual, the case is more about the relationships. Late in ‘When God Opens A Window’, it is revealed that Dyson has an even bigger secret: he’s Mark father. Because it happens so late in the hour, we don’t get a lot of time to address it beyond Bo and Dyson’s late night chat and his request to be alone. Hopefully since Mark is due to return next week we can dig further into this new father/son pair.
Tamsin and Bo’s relationship is also a focal point of the case – they’re still working out the kinks in their operation (and roommate status) since Kenzi’s departure. There’s a lot of mildly amusing “I” statement banter (I was fond of Tamsin’s protest when Bo blocks her “bad cop” routine) but it’s pretty lightweight stuff. Tamsin’s eventual confession that she recognized herself in Mark as someone who hurts others does carry some legitimate emotional heft. Skarsten is definitely shouldering the comedy burden on the show, but her dramatic chops are worthwhile so here’s hoping that before the end of the series we learn a bit more about her Valkyrie past beyond a few bitchy encounters with her sisters.
Ongoing Arcs/Mythology: The continuing subplot involving Elizabeth (Amanda Walsh) , the mysteriously ressurrected elevator woman, continues to unspool in the background. After saving Trick (Rick Howland) at the Dhal, Vex (Paul Amos) is partnered with Dyson to identify a connection between three murdered humans who are all revealed to have animal monikers (pig, bull, goat). Dyson identifies connections to a Fae cult, which will likely be tied to Trick’s proclamation from the premiere about Bo’s dark army.
Much like the case of the week, putting Vex and Dyson is about more than an amusingly abusive partnership: it’s an opportunity to seek closure on Hale’s death (remember Vex inadvertently contributed to it due to his relationship with Maximo). It’s nice to see the show acknowledge Hale’s death in an ongoing capacity considering how poorly it was handled back in ‘End Of A Line’.
Powerful Ladies: Lauren (Zoie Palmer) is also doing her part to investigate the mysterious deaths at the clinic. She visits the former Morrigan (Emmanuelle Vaugier), who despite being a human is still incredibly powerful and moody. Evony has landed on her feet since we last saw her (she’s got a rich husband who provides for her, despite the gout and man cave). By episode’s end Evony’s back to blackmailing and threatening to get what she wants. In this case it’s the threat of an ancient Fae in a tank that will kill Lauren if she doesn’t develop a serum to make Evony Fae again. I wish I were more interested in this storyline because I kinda love Vaugier, but it’s much more enjoyable to watch Evony suffer as a human than threaten (we’ve had seasons of that), so the whole Fae serum bit feels a bit unexciting to me. I’d rather explore other storylines with the nine episodes we have left.
Other Observations:
- Oops, Bo’s decision to sleep with Mark won’t make things awkward at all <sarcasm>. It’s a nice touch by the writers to have Dyson refer to her as Mark’s big sis, even if it doesn’t make much sense (Considering Dyson regards Bo as a mate isn’t she more of a step-mom to Mark?)
- The ritualistic marks on the bodies, including Elizabeth’s husband, carry a burning electrical charge. Is this an indicator of what kind of Fae Elizabeth is? Maybe it’s just a cool visual signature for the FX team to fool around with.
- According to Vex, Mummies don’t care much about “domestic” issues, so mind the toilet paper snafus.
- Amusing Lauren moment: after Dyson complains that it smells in the lab, she cautiously sniffs herself in the background
- Annoying Lauren moment: her Jeeves routine while visiting Evony is definitely something that only Lauren finds funny. Nobody was laughing in my house.
- Frustrating Lauren moment: Considering she took out an intruder last week, why does Lauren stand around watching when Mark attacks the Hunter this week?
Best Lines:
- Bo (when Tamsin suggests she’s hornier than a monkey with eight dicks): “Or something more feminine”
- Bo (when Mark suggests he has no clothes): “I have a rack of men’s clothes in my room. Don’t ask why, okay?”
- Lauren (after getting a little trigger happy): “Umm…maybe someone else should take the gun?”
- Vex (after Dyson asks if he ever shuts up): “Don’t think I’ve ever tried.”
Your turn: are you surprised that Lost Girl is introducing an offspring this late in the game? Is it funny or creepy that Bo slept with Dyson’s son? What is Elizabeth and what is she up to? Is Lauren still relevant? What is in Evony’s box? And how tragic is it to have Evony and Vex appear in the same episode and not have them interact?! Sound off below.
Lost Girl airs Sundays at 9pm EST on Showcase. And don’t forget to stop back throughout the week for the Bitch Awards, celebrating the best (and worst) TV of 2014.