Courtesy of Showcase
Zombies have risen, which requires a day trip to find out who’s controlling them. Meanwhile family is very much a topic of conversation, but looks like one couple may never get the chance to start their own. Major character death ahead!
Let’s bitch it out…Alright, this episode features lots of interesting things about Rainer and lays the foundation for the fiery dragon/horse thing that’s appeared sporadically on scrolls throughout the season, but let’s be honest, the only thing anyone is going to talk about is Hale’s (K.C. Collins) death. And not “went out on the battle field in a blaze of glory” died. More like “stabbed in the back by that sniveling druid Massimo (Tim Rozon) who we all thought was dead after he pitched head-first into lava back in 4×04” died.
It’s a cheap death, that’s for sure, but hardly a surprising one. Lost Girl hasn’t really known what to do with Hale for some time now. Of all of the show’s core cast, Hale is always the first to disappear when the budget for the series shrinks and he’s the least-well integrated into the main plots. More often than not I’ve wondered if the writers truly knew what to do with the character and after he was removed as the Ash, his prominence in the series decreased even more. That’s not to say that I won’t miss Hale: he and Ksenia Solo’s Kenzi have always had great chemistry, he provides a dry comedic sensibility that contrasts the others’ silliness and he can rock a hat like no one else in the cast. If I had to pick someone to go, however, it would be him.
At this point it’s unclear how the character’s departure will affect the show moving forward. From the single scene following his death, his death will provoke some very powerful grief and anguish, as evidenced by both Bo (Anna Silk) and Kenzi. I hope that we spend a substantial portion of next week’s penultimate episode on his death: not only does Hale deserve it, but this is a major event for Lost Girl. After all, the series has never killed off a main character before, so this is a bit of a big deal (I refuse to count Nadia…that bitch had it coming).

Courtesy of Showcase
Aside from Hale, the other parts of ‘End Of A Line’ are a mixed bag. Rainer is sidelined, which is unfortunate considering the issues I raised last week about not understanding his relationship with Bo. It’s a bit ironic, then, that so much of Bo’s storyline concerns every other character feeling the same way. After a Revenant zombie attacks Bo in her house, she, Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) and Acacia (Linda Hamilton) spend the day with Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) tracking down the individual controlling the dead. In reality it’s little more than an excuse to remind us that lots of individuals are after the lone remaining Una Mens seed. Aside from that it’s a good opportunity to beat up on Bo’s new choice of lover. It’s interesting to hear from Acacia how terrible Rainer is, though she’s unreliable so we should probably take her comments with a grain of salt. In comparison, Dyson’s concern in the bar rings far more true: it’s a conversation between former lovers wherein one doesn’t understand the other’s choice of suitor. For me it’s Bo’s inclusion of the word “Destiny” that’s off-putting because it connotes a lack of agency (even coercion) which is something I definitely don’t equate with Bo. A part of me hopes that we’ll learn that Rainer has used some kind of mind-control (despite her protests otherwise); it’s one of the few excuses that would explain why she’s acting the way she is.
Other Observations:
- The Televixen makes a good point wondering if Hale’s death is the one the Leviathan predicted in ‘Destiny’s Child’. Any thoughts? Does this mean Bo can travel to the underworld to save him?
- Vex (Paul Amos) pops by to visit Trick in an undercooked B-plot. I appreciate that Vex, mirroring Kenzi, had a difficult childhood relationship with his father. What I’m not sure about is why this particular story needed to be included at this time, especially when it’s clear at the end of the hour that Trick really just wants to convince Vex to give him the seed.
- Similarly Kenzi’s story of abandonment with her mother feels awkwardly inserted (again – why now?)…or at least it does until Hale proposes. Then it makes a great deal more sense. Ultimately I still don’t particularly care about Kenzi’s mother outside of her narrative function (ie: making Kenzi hesitate to accept Hale’s proposal because she’s afraid of making her mother’s mistakes). This indecision nicely sets up Kenzi’s despair when Hale dies, prompting her wails to Bo that she would have said yes and married him.
- Side Note: I know it’s only about two minutes long, but Ksenia Solo destroyed me in that final scene. She’s easily the most sympathetic crier since Alyson Hannigan on Buffy (to this day when Willow cries, I cry). Silk’s no slouch herself.
- Tamsin reveals to Bo that the image of Rainer being rewritten back into history is not the man who hired her to deliver Bo. Hmm…what does that mean? Trick definitely recognized Rainer, so clearly Tamsin was hired by an outside party (or Rainer had a different face?)
- Finally, what’s more likely to signal the end of the world: ominous references to the rise of the dragon/horse Pirapiss-thing (spellcheck isn’t going to help with that one) or Tamsin and Dyson hooking up at the Dhal?
Best Lines:
- Kenzi (announcing their nickname for Dyson after he gave his love for Bo away): “We called him Mopey Dick”
- Tamsin (asking Bo about Rainer): “What do you really know about Crazy Train?”
What are your thoughts on ‘End Of A Line’? Is Hale really dead? Did Solo slay you with her grief? Was Tamsin secretly working for someone else all along? Is Rainer good or bad? And who has the final Una Mens seed? Sound off below
Lost Girl airs Sundays at 10pm EST on Showcase
Hale was terribly under-used, but I hope they don’t bring him back. Undermines the moment. Also, how about that they started the season with Kenzi and Dyson hookin’ up? Then a couple of episodes later she’s getting almost ready to marry Hale? It’s kind of like the Rainer/Bo thing. It takes more than Kenzi or Bo saying they really like some guy for me to actually believe it.
Don’t you remember that Bo did not exist to them? Their memories had been wiped clean and replaced with other memories so no, they were not just “hookin up”.
The writing for lost girl seems to have depreciated at an alarming rate . the storylines are disjointed , not due to complexity but just badly written there are many tv series with multiple complex threads on TV (eg grimm) but lost girl writers are going out of their way to mess it up please end this series in the next for episode so that its not remembered as “heroes” two good seasons then downhill
My guess is that Bo’s mom Aife has the Una Mens seed.
Rainer is def using Bo to get his revenge on Trick. Maybe even teaming up with Aife.
Hale could’ve gotten a better sendoff, but it works with the storyline because giving him and Kenzi a happy ending would’ve just brought down the show. Too bad for Kenzi though because she really deserved a good guy to stand by her side. But even with Hale gone she’ll keep on giving massive dramatic/comedic performances. No one can bring down a crowd with those zingy one-liners like that little russian minx.
Also Tamsin’s character is a great addition to the show. What happened in all her past valkyrie lives is what I want to know. A lot of torment and tension going on there.
There is no way that Kenzi can be the same person that she was after losing Hale. He was a very important part of the show and it will effect it in a negative light to kill him off the way that they did. I wish that they would have killed off Lauren.
Hale’s death is devastating to Kenzi, yes she will be forever changed. That being said, Hale’s importance to the LG storyline was minimal compared to Lauren’s importance. It could easily be argued that Lauren is the most intriguing character given her mysterious background which is unfolding. Her role is central to the series…killing her would be a huge mistake.
Yes,I wish they killed Lauren too.
Yes, Lauren- what a seriously monotonous storyline- let’s kill Hale instead- someone who actually has chemistry with the cast. I can’t stand Lauren- biggest reason I don’t rate this show in my favorites. I really hope they somehow bring him back. I don’t think it would cheapen the moment bc it was an honest moment- the same kind of quality acting could be used for him to return and it would work. Kensi and Hale being together wouldn’t kill the show, side characters pair together all the time, it’s when the main ones do it kills the show (Lily and Marshall anyone?). Idk, probably going to get hell for hating Lauren anyway.
Yes! Exactly they should have killed off Lauren. She is soooo boring and her voice is annoying. And if the writers of Lost Girl couldn’t figure out something interesting for the Hale character, then they’re not very good writers as we have all seen early on when Lauren kept whining over her catatonic girlfriend. So instead of K.C. Collins being fired, the writers need to be fired. I’m done with Lost Girl!
Lauren’s character is boring. Nothing about her and Bo is sexy. Bring back Hale.
I hate that they killed Hale. I want him back!! Damn it!! They ‘killed’ alot of characters and bright them back. They damb well can bring Hale back. He was the best guy foe Kenzi. The writing had depreciated quickly so I don’t know if I will continue after this blow plus Dyson and Tamsin hooking up? No you can’t explain this away.
For the first time in this show,I cried at the scene when Hale died….I wish he could be resurected somehow…
Agreed. The writers should be ASHAMED!!! The show has been my fav since episode one and this season has been a major disappointment. Killing off Hale? Seriously??? Come ON…Bad move. What’s up with Trick? He seems evil this season. A definite touch of madness going on there. Poor Kenzi, The backlash from Mosimo having the Twig of Zemora is going to fall on her head. I pray the writers are kicked it the Arse or replaced and the show regains it’s former glory.
Yes! Fire the writers! Bring K.C. Collins (Hale) back!
I won’t be watching Lost Girl anymore. It is not just that they killed off Hale, it is the terrible writing period. I was getting really tired of all of this drama between Bo/Lauren/Dyson but then they do something stupid like bring another person to the mix. Why not kill of someone that “supersnatch” professes to love? Bo is just looking more and more like an uncaring, greedy and selfish succubus when I thought the idea was to give her some humanity.
She screws over every human that she comes in contact with. Why should Kenzi, who has been her dearest and most trustworthy friend be the one to lose her chance at happiness and Bo get to ply eeny meeny miney moe with anyone that wants to get into her pants? I am really discussed with this show.
you are so right, they should’ve killed off Lauren, she really has no real role in the story anymore!
Lauren is one of the most interesting characters on the show! She’s the main reason I even watch!
If Hale is not back, I’m not going to watch this. Killing Hale is like killing Kenzi. Pretty much the same thing. Season 4 was stupid anyway, they just made it a lot worse.
Spoiler alert******
Well kenzie is dead too, so I guess it doesn’t really matter.
KC( Hale ) is moving on to pursue other acting jobs.
ksenia solo might be back, she and Dyson both have a movie in post production, it may or may not conflict with them returning to Lost Girl.
But it is a piss poor show, with high school acting club drama, followed by F level writing, so either way I just wait for the new season of Continuum to start. and they can keep the lost girl drivel I don’t want it!!!!
Watched continuum once, that was enough for me
I think tamzin and mosimo were working for the parapas horse thing and that thing is really bo’s daddy. that’s why rainer kept telling bo that he wasnt the one that was trying to capture her because it was really her daddy the parapas horse thing, who is probably woking with Rainer which is why he plotted to kill the unamens. they better bring Hale back, because he has a better role than Lauren (who they should’ve been killed off) so if they can keep her they can definitely keep Hale!
I Loved sooo much their screen time together ! Alongside the crew, he’s been starring since the very first episode, moreover his relationship w/ Kenzi was interesting to see the reaction of his fae family, and the evolution of the human status in fae world. Anyway, this show will be definitely a piece of crap without him, why so serious ? We needed Hale to add a bit of comedy ! Can’t just believe he’s gone, and don’t like it.
Totally agree w/ the Eve’s up’ comment
You are right, the writing is terrible this season. My friend and I have been discussing how off this season has been compared to the first 2 season. Last season (3) they kept eluding to the Wanderer being Bo’s father, but instead it’s Rainer and it’s destiny. I would rather it had been revealed who her father was early on this season and dealing with that. I miss the cases Bo and Kenzi took and their shenanigans.
I loved Kenzi and Hale. They were so cute and they should have had their chance.
I wished they killed off Lauren as she’s useless and has been since the beginning. She’s whiny and always down in the dumps. I don’t see any chemistry between her and Bo.
I feel like the writers have taken a turn from Laurell K. Hamilton Anita Blake books and everyone is sleeping with everyone. First it was Kenzi and Dyson and I no their memories were wiped, but they’ve always treated each other as brother and sister, not romantically, then they there’s Bo and Dyson (YAY). But when they go back to Dyson’s past and he sleeps with someone who’s the spitting image of Lauren? Come ON!! And now they put Tamsen and Dyson together at the end of episode. Stop making Bo and Dyson sleep with every character on the show.
If you hate Lauren and want her killed off you’re wrong and need jesus.
I hate the Lauren character. She is depressing and whiny and I don’t need Jesus, he was killed off in another story.
They should have used Hale more.. He was one of the best characters back when he was Dyson’s partner. I think he will be really dead and then kenzi will leave the fae world to get away from the memories of him. I would have preferred if they had killed off Lauren as I’ve never found her the most interesting of characters and made Hale a more prominent character. But if Hale really is dead as I suspect then I will cry.. I’ve been routing for Kenzi and Hale to get together since the first series.
I’m sad they killed of Hale, I love the his relationship with Kenzi was one of my favorites things this season (even though it was short lived). Even though I was never emotionally attached to hale , that last scene with kenzi was just devastating the acting done by ksenia was superb. I don’t like the fact that it’s seems that Bo and kenzi are drifting apart, I miss how they were the first two seasons.
I hope they bring back hale or that Kenzi
Gets with vex as they have a friendly relationship and je would be good for her in her time of sorrow.
I just want to say that killing Hale’s character has left me disgusted. It was a horrible, horrible, horrible decision. Kenzie and Hale’s relationship was one of the best new developments in Lost Girl. Bo’s indecision about who she loves is getting rather annoying. I would understand if it was a professional decision by an actor to move on, but if it’s just that the writers didn’t know what to do with his character then that is really sad.
Ksenia Solo made me sob like a teenage girl getting dumped at prom. Still reeling from the fact that they killed off the only non-caucasin on the show. He was quiet and graceful bringing a certain classiness to the show! So disappointed…
if you notice, they killed off all the non-caucasian semi important characters. The first ash, Nadia, and now hell Hale.
I say semi-important because there may be some debate about the first ASH, who was a big player but the actor was rarely used, and Nadia. But I count them because they were directly involved in the plot, in some way, for multiple episodes.
So don’t like that Hail has been killed off! I liked the Kenzi-Hail part of the story.
Basically the writers buttered us all up with the Kenzi-Hale relationship (for 3-4 episodes, smh) before disappointing us. It’s a game. Apparently HAPPINESS is not a priority in the show. Not one relationship has worked on Lost Girl & the relationship that came close to perfect– they killed it off. No one should have been killed off honestly. But I see they’re trying to show that Bo is losing her family. She definitely lost Kenzi, so maybe they should bring back Hale. Or Bo should. Not only is Kenzi changing, but Dyson is too. Hale was his best friend. I promise you if the writers allow Bo to revive Hale or if he spontaneously comes back, he’ll find a way to bring the family together. Everyone’s Anti-Bo right now.
I hope hale will be back. To me you only had one minority actor and you killed him off why is that.
To be honest, hale and kenzi have become the only reason I watch lost girl anymore, I’m only on season 2, but my impatientness pushed me to find out when they become a couple but instead of telling me that they told me hale proposes than gets killed. Now I don’t even want to finish them, hale is an amazing character, I’m forcing myself to watch it in hopes of him coming back but I can think of so many other people who’d of want to die before him.. Dyson, he can’t even love anymore unless he gets his love back so he could go, Lauren hate her, she should leave, the Morgan, I wouldn’t have cared if hale went dark fae of it meant a chance he’d survive., I am just so angry at the writers..
I miss him already! I think they could at least let them get married first. Know I’ll never see Kenziein a wedding dress 🙁
Bring hale back it kills me to c him go
I’d vote for Lauren to be killed off over Hale too.
Cannot believe they killed Hale. With how completely disjointed the show is becoming and how it seems to be falling apart at the hinges it just makes no sense. I liked Hale and can’t stand Lauren. She wasn’t in this episode and I was really happy about that. This season will determine the fate of the show. The writers need to put their acts together or viewers won’t be watching anymore. I know I won’t.
Kenzie’s grief got me more than anything I’ve seen in a long time. I’m not a big cryer but that got me.
I was deeply disappointed that Hale was killed off… totally ruined the show for me!
This show is beginning to remind me of Grey’s Anatomy. I quit watching THAT because of the major character deaths, transfers, etc. but it’s in its 7th (?) season. I too was SHOCKED that they killed off Hale — WTF ?!?!? And even though I ADORE Anna Silk/Bo, this season has me wondering if Lost Girl is worth the space on my DVR.
I miss hale and want him back. I was way more interested in hale and Kensi htne Lauren bo and Dysen. Lauren has grown on me al little but I still would have rather seen her killed off then Hale. And I agree killed off the only African American on the show and limited his scripts. This all seemed to happen when syfy got involved with the show I guess I won’t be watching syfy anymore this was the only thing left on SYFY that I watched totally down from now I’ve been watching since the beginning of the original Stargate
I Hate Lauren too. Annoying!