Courtesy of ABC
The aftermath of a violent attack brings about loss and the desire for revenge. But will the need for revenge ruin a good man?
Let’s bitch it out…
For a second week in a row, I stand firm in my belief that Amber Valletta is killing it as Carla, and this is based solely on one scene. Although Carla made the oh-so-predictable decision of the cuckolded wife and went to see the mistress, demanding an end to the affair, I have to say that she dominated the conversation. Jules (India de Beaufort) has this cockiness to her whenever she’s around Hap (Don Johnson), even when she’s discussing him with his wife. But Carla just owns Jules, even going so far as to insult her wine with a single look. Carla is not to be messed with! Too bad their encounter has the oh-so-predicatable result of pushing Jules closer to Hap.
Ok, on to the serious stuff. Poor Billy (Chace Crawford) is put through the ringer waiting to hear if Cody (Rebecca Rittenhouse) and the baby will survive the attack. I’ll admit that I’m pretty amazed that after all the trauma she endured to her abdomen the baby survives. But alas, the poor little guy doesn’t make it after all. I am relieved that the writers take the path they do and simply show us the aftermath of Billy and Cody finding out, rather than subjecting the audience to that horrific scene. It is a really poignant moment when they lay in the bed crying together, talking about how they will have a family eventually. A quiet scene, but more powerful in this reviewers opinion.
As expected, the news of the miscarriage puts rage in Billy’s eyes when Cody finally identifies Garry (Paul Rae) to the sheriff (Delroy Lindo). What follows takes another one of those leaps of faith that have become so common for this show. First, after Garry is identified, it’s amazing to me that the sheriff doesn’t have a tail on Wick (Scott Michael Foster). The sheriff has known Wick is involved for weeks and Garry has been involved in another attack, but no one is following Wick? Well that just seems like bad police work. Second, somewhere between his confrontation with Wick at the cabin, Billy loses the rage in his eyes – instead of letting Wick kill the man who just beat his wife, causing her to lose their baby, Billy wants to call the police. Ummm what?! He was ready to kill him a half hour ago, so WTF happened?! Finally, as a miracle to everyone, Garry falls to his own death. This solves all of Wick’s problems in life, and Billy sees that the man who caused their family all this grief is dead. Seems a little convenient, no?
However, the little tryst in the woods means Wick has jumped from one secret pact to another. Only this time his problem won’t be someone blackmailing him to keep the secret, it is Billy’s conscience and promise to his wife to let the police handle Garry. I’m calling it right now: there is NO way that Billy “takes this to the grave” as he and Wick vow over Wick’s mighty flask in the hospital parking lot. Billy is too honest a guy. This is going to eat away at him. He won’t make it to the end of the show’s ten episodes before he spills this secret. Clock’s running out Billy; you’ve got four more episodes to agonize over this.
Other Observations:
- Clifton (Barry Corbin) is my fave. Corbin has been a favourite of mine since One Tree Hill, and then again on The Closer, so it’s nice to see him here. His call to Hap’s first wife at the end of the episode brings a smile to my face the same as it did to his. This guy is going to stir the pot, even if it is from a hospital bed after a heart attack. Someone’s gotta bring down Hap Briggs!
- I still cringe watching the Hap and Jules sex scenes. Barf. So she finds Wick’s black mask, automatically knows what it means, and then calls his father for a romp in the sack? This girl has some serious problems.
- I’m struggling with what to say about Lacey (Miranda Rae Mayo) and AJ (Adan Canto) because I just can’t stand them or their storyline. Next!
- No sign of the gambling, affair riddled food truck this episode. I suppose we can only handle so much home-wrecking per week here in the land of the oil boom.
So what did you think of this week’s episode? Is the follow-up to the powerful attack scene what you were expecting? Do you agree that Hap offered Billy the job because he’s scared of him? Do you agree that Billy won’t be able to keep this secret? Sound off below!
Blood & Oil airs on Sundays at 9pm EST on ABC.